Visiting a church for the first time can be a nervous experience for anyone. Here are some things that will hopefully help you feel more comfortable and prepared. If you still have questions after reading through this information, do not hesitate to reach out with your questions by calling the church office or through the form below.
Dress is casual so wear whatever is comfortable.
We want to welcome you as our guest, but without putting you on the spot. So, when you walk through the front doors and are welcomed by one of our friendly greeters, just make yourself at home. Grab a cup of coffee from the fellowship hall, make you’re way up to the worship center (yes, you are welcome to bring your coffee), find a place comfortable to sit, and visit with the Big Horn family and other guests who are worshipping with us.
While you’re waiting for the service to start, we would love it if you filled out a Connection Card (located in the pew in front of you) to let us know that you were with us. When you’ve filled it out, you can drop it in the offering box located at the back of the worship center.
Sunday morning worship begins at 9:30 am and includes a blend of old and new worship music, Christ-centered preaching, and celebration of the Lord’s Supper on the first Sunday of every month.
Our Sunday morning worship service is followed by Sunday school small group hour, at 11:00 am.
Children are a blessing, not a distraction, and we welcome them into our worship service; but we also offer nursery (birth - 2yrs) and children’s church (3 yrs - 3rd grade) during the 9:30 am service. Nursery is also provided during the Sunday school small group hour.
If you’re a first-time guest, stop by the entrance to the nursey near the sanctuary to check in your children. Our welcome team will be ready to answer your questions and help in any way we can.